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Is Kona The Best Hawaiian Coffee?

Is Kona The Best Hawaiian Coffee?

Is Kona The Best Hawaiian Coffee?

Is Kona The Best Hawaiian Coffee?

Hawaii is a highly sought after tourist destination among citizens around the world. This is due to many different reasons, such as geography, cuisine, hospitality, and a well developed unique culture. Hawaii is also home to the best coffee in the world – Kona coffee.

Blessed with predominantly tropical weather, it is one of those stops you can travel to with the whole family for extended stays and long holidays.

When I say Hawaii, what pops into your head? Is it hula dancing? Luaus? Or is it the rich, creamy taste of Kona coffee?

Hawaiian Drinks And Beverages

Hawaii has a diverse collection of drinks. Teas that are locally brewed, strong alcoholic beverages, and their unique tasting coffee. No matter what you like, they have something to satisfy your taste buds.

Alcoholic Drinks

At some point on your vacation you may be looking for something a little stronger. You are on holiday after all.

If you’re a fan of alcoholic beverages, try the following drinks:

  • Scorpion Bowl
  • Flaming Volcano
  • Lava Flow
  • Kiwi Colada
  • Okolehao
  • Blue Hawaiian
  • Bay Breeze

These are strong cocktails, so remember to drink responsibly.

Tea Anyone?

Although the islands are known for their coffee, recently Hawaii has invested in the booming tea industry.

While not yet as world-renowned as chocolates and pineapples, Hawaiian tea farms are starting to gain some attention.

If you are a fan of tea, this Hawaiian tea collection should peak your interest.

Hawaiian teas include:

  • Black
  • Pu'erh
  • Green
  • Oolong
  • White Tea

All of these tea varieties grow locally in Hawaii, except the Pu'erh.

What About Coffee?

Coming in second only to the well-known hula dance, coffee is a major identifying factor for Hawaii. Hawaii by far produces the highest quality beans, and one island in particular produces the great Kona coffee.

Some types of Hawaiian coffee include:

  • Typica (also known as Kona)
  • Catuai
  • Mokka
  • Mundo Novo
  • Kauai Blue Mountain
  • Caturra
  • Yellow Caturra

The best Hawaiian coffee Is Kona

After several polls in search of the best Hawaiian coffee, Kona has continuously been voted number one.

It is considered the perfect brew. When this coffee bean is properly roasted, it produces coffee with a rich, creamy taste that is different from all other coffees.

Kona coffee comes from the species coffee arabica. It produces white pods from January to June. The white part falls off in the summer, revealing a green pod which houses the coffee bean.

This variety is the bean of the state’s most popular coffee-growing areas, places like Kona and Ka’u on the Big Island.

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best Hawaiian coffee Brands

While there is no official best Hawaiian coffee brand, some brands have gained a lot of popularity. Here are the most popular Hawaiian coffee brands:

  • Landor Hawaiian Medium-Roast
  • Royal Kona Decaffeinated
  • Hawaiian Lion 24K Gold Roast (Best Ground Coffee)
  • Royal Kona Decaffeinated 100% Kona coffee (Best Decaf)
  • Blue Horse 100% Kona coffee Medium Roast Whole Beans
  • Kona Kulana 100% Kona coffee Dark Roast Beans
  • Cameron’s Light-Roast Kona Blend (Ground)
  • Landor Hawaiian Kona coffee Light Roast Whole Bean
  • KonaRed Ground Dark-Roast Kona Blend Coffee
  • Hawaii Roasters 100% Kona coffee Medium Roast Whole Bean

While these brands are great, most of them can be very expensive.

Hawaiian Coffee Near Me

Depending on where you’re located, Hawaiian coffee can be easily accessible. The beans are exported to most countries and all it takes is a simple google search to find them.

You can also buy Kona coffee from local shops near you. Hawaiian coffee is a major export and can be found in most countries in America. All you have to do is search online for shops that offer Hawaiian coffee near you.

Alternatively, you can buy Hawaiian coffee online from companies that offer delivery services.

Can You Buy Hawaiian Coffee Online?

Of course! You don't need to be in Hawaii or even near the island to enjoy the best Kona coffee. The world has turned into a global village. Due to the power of online markets, you can buy the best Hawaiian coffee online with just the click of a button.

At Buddha’s Cup, you have access to the best grown Kona coffee at affordable prices.

Our Kona coffee varieties include:

  • 100% Kona coffee Decaf Medium/Dark
  • 100% Kona coffee Peaberry Medium/Dark.
  • 100% Kona coffee UltraViolet Blu Light Infused
  • 100% Kona coffee Medium/Dark Roast

You can buy Hawaiian coffee online without breaking the bank. Visit Buddhascup.com to place your order. Your coffee is waiting for you.